Study work: "Siblings"
Dear readers,
I´m very proud to have the opportunity to present you this study All in One Boat!
Regarding the strengthening of mutual cooperation between The Islandic Sibshops and the Slovak- Indian Friendship Society, exchange of good practices, solutions to the pressing issues of today, social inclusion of the disadvantaged.
We chose our partner organisation from Iceland for their know-how for helping others in need, especially siblings of children with special needs and their families. Since 14 years The Islandic Sibshops has been spreading ethical values, strengthening psycho-social growth of children, youth and adults, through their activities they help developing higher emotions like empathy and compassion, concentrating on problem solving in a constructive way. They approach is based on teaching / learning optimism rather than helplessness. This option has proven fruitful and effective.
I was pleased to see that the exchange stay helped bridging the two countries, allowed hundreds of people to better know each other, to get inspired for helping others. Another positive benefit was getting more space for contacts and discussions with teachers at the elementary school in Uhrovec who seek to integrate disabled pupils into the learning process, with teachers at the Coubertin Grammar School /Gymnázium/ in Piešťany, with students, future social workers, psychologists, special educators, with the Mayor of Bánovce n/B, with the local government representatives, the Orphanage in Piešťany, non-profit organizations focusing on social care, working with the disadvantaged in the Harmoni sheltered workshop in Bánovce n/B, the Roma community center in Myjava, with leisure centers teachers, journalists and other experts who have shown interest in this project.
I was happy to see that all active participants expressed the need to continue the project and the established cooperation and they expressed great pleasure to have a chance in taking part in this inspiring meeting. As could be noticed, they gained strength and confidence to move forward in their work and activities. After all, there are new possibilities to help others. They understood that solving the pressing issues of today and difficult life situations in a constructive way requires patience, action, to inquire and exchange good practices and to realize that we are all in the same boat.
We hope that this study can inspire you in your work and other commitments.
Anna Galovičova – chair of Slovak-Indian Friendship Society
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